We’ve been working on a website refresh for the last few months. Google’s announcement about the mobile-friendly algorithm change scheduled for today added fuel to our fire. As Search Engine Journal reports, “mobile-friendliness will be a ranking signal throughout mobile search results.” In plain English, if your website isn’t easy to use on a smartphone, it will rank lower in search results than one that is. And mobile usage is only expected to grow. The Cisco® Visual Networking Index™ (VNI) Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast for 2014 to 2019 reports in 2014 nearly 59 percent of the global population (7.2 billion people) were mobile users. By 2019, that number is projected to increase to more than 69 percent (of 7.6 billion people).
Prioritizing mobile optimization is something we’ve been advising our clients on as we redevelop their sites, so we thought we’d take our own advice. But mobile optimization wasn’t the only factor we considered in our refresh. When we redesign our clients’ websites, we advise them to adapt their content and calls to action as their businesses evolve. On the new site, we more prominently featured our blog to showcase our thought leadership and expertise, tightened the site navigation, increased the number of visuals, and added social widgets. Visit our new site.
For kicks, we compared today’s site with some screenshots from Wayback Machine, an Internet archival site, to see how our website has evolved over the last 17 years or so. What we found was pretty entertaining.